Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Heartbeat

I would be lying if I told you every day I woke up with the same fiery passion and joy that first brought me to South Africa. There are some days where I wake up feeling drained before the day has even begun. There are days where my schedule wears me out by just looking at it. But what I can tell you is that there are so many things about this country and about these people that refuel my passion and love. There are things that have become normal life for me that I know I will miss beyond words when I am gone. These are the things I want to share with you.

What makes my heart skip a beat (concerning life in a South African township):
-Leaving home to the smiles and waves of every child on the street
-Being greeted by every person I see
-Seeing the women clean by sweeping the dirt that is their porch
-Running to the sound of children laughter outside the center
-Eating with my hands and it being the right way
-You can't sing without dancing as well
-You are never late on African time
-If you are in need, there is always someone to help
-There is always room for one more (even if you think the car is overfull)
-"Sharp-sharp" is an appropriate response for almost anything
-When you have nothing else to say, you can always say "is it?"
-Riding in the back of an open bakkie (pick-up truck) is completely acceptable
-Braiis (A South African barbeque)
-Time is irrelevant
-Eating pap and wors
-The people selling stuff at the robot who promise to give you a "special price"
-Music of the shebeen (local bar) heard every weekend from my bedroom window
-Vetkoek, especially bought off the street corner
-The sounds of vuvuzela's blasting anytime the Mamelodi Sundowns play a soccer match
-The beautiful sunsets
-The value of community
-The unspoken rule of not having to stop at stop signs unless completely necessary
-The excitement people have of me knowing a few words in their language
-The fact that you can hear a Church 5km's away
-The beautiful babies strapped to mother's backs by towels
-Seeing all the school children walk home in their uniforms
-The beautiful voices of the African children singing praises to God
-The smell of pot filling the air (I know this is a weird one but it always reminds me that I'm not living in my American neighborhood anymore)
-The random men peeing wherever they decide is necessary
-People walking everywhere
-The sight of the boys playing soccer and enjoying every moment of it
-"Summertime" (the first day of spring when the children throw water on everyone)
-New Years Eve (the excitement in the air as everyone screams "HAPPY, HAPPY")
-Seeing locals get involved and start caring for their own community
-The smell of fire that fills the air at night
-The robots don't work 50% of the time and that is normal

Then there are the other things. The things that sometimes make me feel like pulling out my hair or screaming at the top of my lungs. Luckily, this list is much shorter.

What makes me a bit crazy (concerning life in a South African township):
-Not being able to drive alone for safety reasons
-Having to have walls surrounding our house with wire on them
-Having multiple locks on doors and windows
-The taxis inability to drive and consistency of stopping right in front of you with no warning
-The never ending doorbell ringing when all you want is a short nap
-The sounds of gunshots and car tires screeching

I'm sure I could add things to both lists but I wanted to at least get these lists started. As I write about the things that make my life what it is, I am reminded of what a blessing it is to be here. South Africa is the place my heart beats for. It's people feel like family. I belong here. I was made for it and I can just feel it. There are days when I doubt that feeling but then I remind myself of these things that aren't a part of my life in America and I realize that even on the bad and hard days, there is no place I would rather be.