Monday, October 12, 2009

The Journey Continues

For those of you who don't know, I have recently joined Operation Mobilization. OM is a great organization that serves in over 110 different countries, one of which is South Africa. My heart is very much so in South Africa and I know God has a plan for me there that is beyond my thoughts or dreams. Following His leading, I have decided to join Operation Mobilization for an initial 2 year commitment beginning in January. At the end of this commitment, we will assess if God would have me continue serving with them long-term.

I am very excited about this opportunity to go back to South Africa. The first 6 months will be an intense time of training and discipleship focused on preparing us for all types of ministries we will encounter. During these six months, we will learn how to effectively minster to different people groups as well as how to minster in various settings. We will be doing outreaches as we learn in order to apply the things God is teaching us. After the first six months, I will be placed in a specific ministry inside of South Africa. As of now, this will be an AIDS Hope ministry. AIDS Hope places volunteers in a number of different settings: orphanages, AIDS hospices, clinics and community development programs. It also works with local schools to provide further education and training for students. I will not have the specific information on where I will be placed until closer to the time I finish the training.

I know that these next 2 years are going to come with many challenges and hardships as I come face-to-face with poverty and disease once again. However, I know that God has a plan to change the face of South Africa and I couldn’t be more excited to join into what He has already begun doing.

I could not do this without the support of my gracious friends and family. I want to thank you for your faithfulness to support me over the past year both prayerfully and financially. It is because of your support that God was able to use my team to bring His hope and love to the lost and hurting and to bring His encouragement to His faithful followers. In order to continue this journey with Him in South Africa, I need faithful and prayerful people to partner with me in the great work He has already begun. If you are interested in becoming one of my partners in this ministry, please contact me. I look forward to serving with you!

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