Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I can't thank you all enough for your continual support and encouragement. My heart is so full that words don't seem adequate yet I will do my best to paint a picture of my last two weeks...

My last week in the states was full of beautiful memories that I have hidden deep in my heart. I was so encouraged by everyone's presence, words, and overwhelming support. It was extremely hard to say goodbye but I knew I had to step out in faith and confidence. I flew to South Africa on the 14th and got to Jeffreys Bay on the 16th. I don't think I have stopped going since the moment I stepped foot in JBay. I've been staying in the township with my good friend Nomsa. Nomsa is one of the teachers at Ithemba where I worked last year. Staying with her as been the best part of my stay here. I've experienced the culture much more than before, especially with the food. I've been washing in a basin every morning (luckily showering once or twice at Ithemba), using an out-house type toilet daily, and just living the African way. It has been a challenge but a huge blessing. I can't even explain how beautiful Nomsa's spirit and heart is. She inspires me. She is caring for 4 kids, only 1 of which is hers. I don't know how she does everything she does but she truly is changing lives and God is using her in mighty ways.

Outside of the house, I have been spending the majority of my time at Ithemba. It too has been challenging as there are many new kids and many of the children I got close to last year have grown so much. Even though they don't all remember me, God has really blessed me by seeing the positive changes in their lives. Alulutho, the little girl I was very close to last year that never used to talk or play is now a playful girl that initiates games with the other kids and always has a huge smile. Shuan, the little boy that always cried last year has only cried once since me being at Ithemba. He has become a little punk since I've left but boys will be boys. Jeidre, the older boy in my class that I spent a lot of time challenging with his school work is now in a special highschool in JBay because of his superior academic skills. There are many more children I could tell you about but those are three of the ones that I got close to last year and have been really blessed by since being back.

I have also seen the women I used to visit for house visits 2 days a week. Each visit has been short because they have been busy but it was so nice to see them again and to remind them that I love them and have missed them but above all that they are cared for by Christ... There have been so many people to see that it's a bit overwhelming and 2 weeks doesn't feel long enough but I know God is preparing me for what's ahead. I felt like I never left Jeffreys yet I know I'm not called to this town long-term right now. God's plan is always better and He has continued to show me that during my stay here.

Saturday I will be in Pretoria and beginning my training with Operation Mobilization. I don't know when I will be able to update again but as soon as I am able, I will. Know that you all mean so much to me and have been such a blessing in my life.

Be blessed!


  1. Hey best friend! I'm happy you updated your blog. It's great to read about how your time in jbay has been going. I have been praying for you and can't wait to hear about how the beginning of your time with operation mobilization goes. I'll call you soon. Love you love you love you!!

  2. Awesome. I remember when I "first stepped out". Life was never the same. I've been in OM for 10 yrs now.

    For others who may read this, you can find options like this and other Long Term Missions at OM USA. I'm sure Megan and the team would love to have others join them down in South Africa
