Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Holy Rage
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Serving the God of Second Chances
Once Katherine arrive we walked towards the car park together and I began to tell her what had just happened and just how bad I felt for missing out on the opportunity God put before me. I told her how I was praying for a second chance and promised God that I wouldn't mess up again. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, a women approached us. She looked like she had been through more than anyone could imagine in the past 24 hours. She was nearly in tears as she asked for money for somewhere for her and her 2 girls to sleep tonight. I immediately pulled out the 20 Rand and handed it to her. Without thinking, I asked if they had food for dinner. She told me she wasn't sure what they were going to eat but she was more concerned about finding a place to stay. I asked if she would walk back into the mall with me so that we could get her some food. We walked and talked for a good 30 minutes as we picked out some food for her and her children. It was then that she told us about her abusive husband and how she was in the place she was that day because she finally left him. My heart just broke to pieces again. I was nearly in tears as we spent time talking and walking. We got her enough food for the next few days and walked back out of the mall. As we stood there together, we prayed and cried. It was truly beautiful.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Little Adventures
Usually, this would stress me out even more but I'm starting to see these things for what they are. I know that this is spiritual warfare. Satan has tried getting me down emotionally a lot over the past few weeks and since he failed, he is now going after my physical health. This is frustrating but I also know that the only reason Satan is attacking is because he knows the work being done here is advancing the Kingdom of God and it makes him cringe. Little does he know that stomach ulcers will not hold me down. I may be sick physically but that does not mean that God won't be able to use me. I'm getting the rest I need during this weekend to make sure I am ready for the children on Monday.
I love looking at God's timing for all of these things. Even though he does allow Satan to attack, He is still sovereign and has control over it all. I was told that I need to take these medicines but I also need to reduce stress in my life and take time out to rest. This is something that is very difficult to do but God knows me well enough to know I will struggle with that. He has already provided a holiday in a week that will allow me that time to rest and de-stress that I need. Praise God that He knows me so well!
This is just another little adventure of the journey that God is taking me on.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Old Blogs
Aaryn- Aaryn is one of a kind. She is firm yet loving. Aaryn was my disciple second semester so I got the opportunity to get to know her better. She is an amazing woman of God who is not ever content for mediocrity. She is always striving to go deeper with her relationship with Christ and push others to do the same. She was there to speak truth over me and call out the things I needed to change. She loved me for who I was at that moment but saw who God wanted me to be and pushed me towards that constantly.
Amber- Amber is so full of wisdom. I don't even know if she realizes it but the Lord has anointed her to speak His word. Amber is bubbly and energetic. Her joy and laugh are contagious. She oversaw our ministries and checked in on us regularly to see what needed to be improved. She was constantly encouraging us to love more and pray more. God gave her the words to push us forward when we needed it most.
Andrea- Andrea is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She seems quiet at first, but don't be fooled: she has some spunk in her! Andrea was my bunkmate and was always dropping things behind my bed. It's funny how you miss that when you have your own room. We always seemed to be on the same page: especially with sleep schedules. It was great, first to go to bed and last to wake up. Andrea had a knack for hearing from the Lord. I struggle to be quiet before God and really hear from Him but she set a great example. Her heart is shaped for service and love and it's beautiful.
Ellen: Ellen is full of faith. She knows God has big plans for her life and she is running after them. She has shown me the example of unwavering faith I needed to see. Sarah Buller was one of Ellen's best friends from home and despite this loss Ellen continued to praise God and push forward without hesitation. I love that about her. She is a great listener and just a lot of fun to be around. I have a truly amazing friend in her and I couldn't be more grateful that God placed her in my life. I'm excited to see the journey God continues to take her on within Africa.
Alexis: Oh Alexis! Alexis has one of the most amazing laughs, ever. You can't help but smile when you're around her. She has the most outgoing personality and makes everyone feel comfortable, that is until she really gets to know you and puts you in uncomfortable positions just for fun. Alexis was in the same classroom with me at Ithemba so we worked together for Bible Study all second semester. Her heart to teach the kids about God was so encouraging. She loved them with everything that she had. We started praying that God would show up in those times and really give the kids a hunger for Him and He did. It was an amazing experience to share together and I couldn't have picked a better partner.
Faith: Faith was given her name for a reason. She believes in the things most don't see and see's them because of her faith. She and I worked together with the youth at Deo Doxa and it was a great time of fellowship. She was always stepping up to the plate to help in whatever way possible: from leading games to leading small group discussions. Her faith encouraged me to pray prayers expectantly and really give God the chance to show up in ways I wouldn't let Him before.
Ashley: Ashley is one of the most real people I know. She has a huge heart for those that are hurting and you could see it in all of her actions. Ashley was a constant encouragement to me, always reminding me to lay all of my burdens at the foot of the cross. Her and I got to work together and Ithemba first semester and do house visits together second semester. Both of those ministries contain sweet memories of times together. Ashley was always bold and willing to speak about her life and the ways God has changed her. She never held back her past or present heart aches if it would help someone else out. This was a huge encouragement to me to be more open with my story and allow God to use it to bring Him glory. It was sweet to see Him do that through her.
Brittany- B is nothing short of amazing. She was the one to always keep us laughing. As humorous as B always was, she had a heart that was broken for those around her. Brittany took the burden of others pain upon herself; she carried that burden with you. Her heart for the Lord is contagious. She is so joyful in serving and can make anything and everything a fun task. I love the times just laying in her bed laughing (especially after she threw me out unknowingly) or staying up late talking about life. She is going to be an amazing leader. She is an amazing leader.
Samantha- Sama is my hero, especially with her amazing ninja skills. Really though, Sama has an amazing amount of patience and love for children that I desire to have more of. She would have 20+ kids in her class that would be crazy loud that required a lot of attention and energy yet at the end of class she would clean the entire classroom. She too has an amazing servant heart. She sees those that most overlook and pours her time and energy into loving them and showing them that they are special to Christ and special to her. She loves with all that she has and it leaves people changed. Sama is my sister. She always told me how much I reminded her of her sister so I became her sister during the trip.
Brianna: Sweet Bri. Bri was one of my best friends from first semester so I was ecstatic about living with her second semester. Bri always encouraged me whether it was through notes, words, or just time together. She is truly one of the people who impacted my life the most during this year. She was a great friend that was always willing to listen, or run away and get an avalanche with me, especially when I needed it most. She, like I, was learning a lot about letting others and God love you but she never had a problem loving others. She loved people like her life depended on it, doing anything and everything to bring joy and encouragement. Christ shined brightly through her as she daily served us in many different ways. Bri is a great friend and I am blessed to have her in my life.
Sydney- Syd encompasses the essence of love. She's got it figured out. She is sweet-spirited but has a fire deep inside her bones. Her heart screams out against the injustice and her actions follow close behind. She is genuine in both word and deed. Sydney is an amazing listener and always asks the questions that point you back to Christ. Her thinking would be considered unconventional by most but I think that's because she takes God at His word. She doesn't water down the truth. She calls it what it is and lives accordingly. I admire that about her. God uses her to speak His love and truth over everyone that she meets. She too is a great leader and has so much to offer those willing to sit and listen.
Our community had its faults but God was among us. He filled each room of that house and spurred us on towards love. We are all made for community, made to hold each other up and have accountability, made to love beyond boundaries, and made to work together to fulfill His purpose. Those five months have shown me more about community than I ever knew. Each one of these girls holds a special place in my heart. I'm eternally grateful that I got to spend so much time with them, seeing their heart and seeing God move in and through them. My life hasn't been the same since our community seperated to various areas of the world. But I'm excited about the road God has ahead of each and every one of them. They are all going to change this world, mark my words.Something On The Road
"I saw what I saw"
By: Sara Groves
I saw what I saw and I can't forget it
I heard what I heard and I can't go back
I know what I know and I can't deny it
Something on the road, cut me to the soul
Your pain has changed me
Your dream inspires
Your face a memory
Your hope a fire
Your courage asks me what I am made of
And what I know of love
We've done what we've done and we can't erase it
We are what we are and it's more than enough
We have what we have but it's no substitution
Something on the road, touched my very soul
I say what I say with no hesitation
I have what I have and I'm giving it up
I do what I do with deep conviction
Something on the road, changed my world
No words can ever describe the experience I had in South Africa. No words can ever paint the picture I saw of poverty, disease, and loneliness. The piles of trash that were ever growing, the glass that lined all of the "streets" in the township, the absurd amounts of taverns, the women that lived with abusive boyfriends, the children that couldn't go to school because their parents had no money for the school fees yet alone the uniforms. It's not fair. It's not right. Children prostitute themselves to provide money for their siblings that they end up raising because their parents are dying or have already died of AIDS. Husbands drown themselves in liquor to take the sting of poverty and sin away, ultimately diving more into both issues. Wives stay with husbands that have no concern for them or their children because that is all they have ever known. Abuse is everywhere: parents beating their children, husbands beating their wives. You can see the despair on so many faces. It's not fair. It's not right.
I could go on and on about the depressing sites you will see once entering the township but that's not where the story ends. God is redeeming each and every one of these situations. God is using His people around the world to bring hope. We can all learn from these situations. We can learn about hopes and dreams and courage. We can learn about Christ love and grace that is more than enough. We can learn about the body of Christ as we see it in action bringing hope and healing to His hurting people. These stories, these situations, these friends are more than just a memory in my heart and mind. They are what stir me on toward Christ. They are the reminder that though I am weak and only one, I can make a difference by sharing the love of Christ. They are who inspire me to never give up and to never stop hoping. These aren't just stories or situations, these are my friends. These are those who have captured my heart and changed it forever. Their pain has changed me, their dream inspires, their face a memory, their hope a fire, their courage asks me what I am made of and what I know of love.
Dan Rather said it well, "If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all." If I had known the trials that were to come when I set off for Africa, I can almost promise you I would not have gotten on that plane. I couldn't be more grateful that I did though...
The first two months were extremely difficult for me. I struggled to find my place on a team of 41 students and 14 leaders. I battled with culture shock. I was uncertain of my decision in leaving the life I knew. God was molding me more and more into His daughter, but it was a difficult and often painful process. I was learning about the identity I had claimed for years but never really understood. I was learning about my formulaic life and the areas where I had completely missed the whole point. There were days I had no idea what I was doing being in South Africa, but looking back I know God knew and was preparing me for His purpose. There were some dark days as I tried to work through all of these things, but those dark days ultimately made His light shine brighter. It took me seeing, and feeling, the lies and hurt of a broken identity to see, and feel, the beauty of truly being His beloved daughter. It took me seeing, and feeling, the loneliness to see, and feel, the loving embrace of community. It took me seeing, and feeling, the differences in the culture to see, and feel, the bond of Christ's love that overcomes all barriers. The first few months were a time of great growth and realization. There were many times I wondered if it was worth it but I can say with confidence that every bit of pain and every tear that came during those months were beyond worth it. I have been able to see myself more as God sees me and in that I have been able to see others more as God sees them. I have learned what His love looks likes through my leaders and teammates that never stopped pouring into me during those difficult times. They continually spoke Christ's love and truth into my life and as a result, I have been changed.
The difficulties didn't end after the first few months. However, I was a new creation with a new strength and confidence to deal with the trials to come. The next five months will forever be etched into my heart...
I lived in a house with nine other teammates and two leaders. They showed me Christ's love in daily, tangible ways. They showed me the Church at its finest form. They became far more than teammates and friends, they became my family. This family, this Church, forever changed my life. Sure, we fought at times and got on each other's nerves. However, those times don't come up when I think about our community. Instead, I think of the family fast we did or the nights of worship in the back room. I remember the countless times we would make cookie dough and sit in the living room eating it out of the bowl, never letting it make its way to the oven. I remember the nights sitting around the small table playing cards. I remember the days filled with sweet memories of ministry. I remember the times we spent in prayer together. I remember our Tuesday/Thursday lunches at the beach. I remember their names and their hearts like we were just together. I could go on forever but I will share more about them on the next blog. They are so important to this journey because they were what kept me going and what continued to challenge me.
The aspect that changed my heart the most during the last five months of the trip was the ministry. How do you define ministry? Well, in Africa you define ministry as love. Sometimes you have nothing else to offer but love. I don't want to downplay that though because that is the need. The need is love. The need is Christ and Christ is love. Just as I needed to hear it, see it, and feel it the first semester of the trip I needed to give it out unconditionally for others to hear it, see it, and feel it the second semester. I couldn't give what I didn't clearly know. Sure I knew love before this trip but by no means is it in the way I know it now. God gave me those first few months to change my view on love and to feel it in a new way and He gave me those next five months to pour that same love out onto the community of JBay.
I could tell you countless stories of situations most would consider hopeless. I could tell you numerous situations where I remember my heart breaking. My heart literally hurt for the people of Jeffreys Bay. My heart still hurts for the people of Jeffreys Bay. But I promise you there is hope. There is hope, there is hope, there is hope! You see it at Ithemba in the kids who come daily that desire to learn more about God. You see it in the ladies that continue to take in more children than they have room or money for because they know what will happen to them if they don't. You see it in the women speaking out about their abusive boyfriends. You see it in the women choosing to spend time studying God's word. You see it all around if your eyes are open to it. I saw it in my children. I saw it in the bible study we did as they began to really ask questions and think about the things we talked about. I saw it in my students as they took leadership within Ithemba and cared for the younger kids. I saw it in a specific student that was eager to learn new things in order to better his chances of breaking the hold of poverty. There is hope, there is hope, there is hope! There are people in Jeffreys Bay that are changing the world. They are living out their calling of making disciples, caring for the orphans and looking after the widows. Their faith shown daily through their actions greatly challenged me and continues to do so. They have changed my life. I go to sleep often thinking about them and praying for them. I dream about my kids and the men and women they will become. I miss them and long to see them again because they are Christ. They are Christ to each other and they are Christ to the dying community around them. They are "the least of these" that seem to offer more and more of themselves and everything that they have. My life will never be the same because of the kids God gave me time to spend with. Alelutho, Shawn, Candi, Jeidre, Lompi, Caitlyn, Marayna, Laikin: These children all have a portion of my heart and these only name a few. Then there are the ladies that work at Ithemba: Lusanda, Queen, and Nomsa. I love these women far more than words can express. Especially Nomsa, as I got to spend hours with her daily. Nomsa is a dear friend that continues to capture my heart through every conversation. This woman is so in love with Jesus and so crazy that you can't help but love her. I wish each one of you could meet her, you would forever be changed.
These are the joys that came with second semester but I would be kidding myself if I said it was all good and easy after the first few months. There were many trials that came: from being mugged, experiencing the joy of being pepper sprayed, letting a best friend leave, to the hardest of all: the loss of a dear friend, Sarah Buller. When asked what had the most impact on me during my time in Africa, my answer is always Buller. She was one of my roommates first semester and we shared many sweet times together. Sarah is love. Sarah is joy. Sarah was an amazing friend and an amazing warrior for Christ. It would take me pages upon pages to try to describe her adequately. She had such a huge impact on our team, Jeffreys Bay, and Port Elizabeth. She knew her purpose and she was living it out daily. On April 5th, Sarah Buller was killed in a car accident. April 5th forever changed mine, and my teammates, lives. We lost far more than a teammate; we lost a dear friend and sister in Christ. We struggled to understand why this would happen. It was a long, difficult struggle but our answer was Christ. It was the only answer. It was all Sarah was living for, so her death ultimately led us closer to Him. It was harder than words will ever do justice. There were many tears, and continue to be even now. But the beauty of it all is that there is no power in death. Satan had no power in Sarah's death. Sarah is now exactly where she desired to be most: praising her Heavenly Father, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Christ has victory in all situations and we saw that clearly in Buller's death. I will never forget the difference she made on Jeffreys Bay for Him and I will never forget the difference she made in my life, pushing me closer and closer to Christ.
Difficulties will come. They will often seem like barriers that are too tall to climb. Don't shrink in fear of the trials, for that is where the most growth happens. That is where your faith becomes real. That is where the power of Christ is evident. There is hope, there is hope, there is hope. There is hope in death. There is hope for the life that seems to difficult to live. There is hope for the children who are going to bed without having eaten a meal tonight. There is hope for the American going to bed over indulged and living a life outside of God's will. There is hope, there is hope, there is hope.
God wrecked me this year. He wrecked my life for the ordinary. He ruined the picture I had in my head of what my life was supposed to look like. And to be honest, it was one of the hardest years of my life. But I would never change it. It's been a struggle being back home and trying to find my place here. There have been many days where I didn't want to face life in America. God is slowly, yet continually, showing me small glimpses of His plan for my life. I'm excited to say that this year in Africa was only the beginning of the plans He has for me. I don't know details of what is to come but I know that I serve a mighty God whose heart is for His hurting people. My heart is to be His hands and feet to those hurting people: to love them unconditionally like He has done for me. I'm seeking out where He would have me do that but as I wait on His voice and timing; I'm starting where He has me now. This is my life: it's a rollercoaster but our God is never-changing. He is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is the God of hope. Because of Him there is hope, there is hope, there is hope! Never forget it.
Wrapping Up
Rollercoaster Ride
Amazing Week
We are starting to really study the Bible with the group of ladies we visit on Tuesday and Thursday morning and you can see the hunger they have. It is amazing to see and even more encouraging that God is giving us oppurtunities to really speak truth into their lives and challenging us with those same truths. Continue to pray that the hunger will grow inside of them and that they will be moved to action by the things they read.
I know this is a quick update but I just want you all to know that God is at work here. In my life, in the life of my teammates and in this community! From answering prayers, to guiding and directing us, to giving peace, and breaking hearts, God is working. He made the pouring, and I mean POURING, rain stop so that we could do house visits. He has guided us to other people to visit. He has taught us all about His love and His holiness. He is just pretty amazing... what more can I say?
God Is Moving
God is stirring up things in our class at Ithemba, I can just feel it. We were able to speak boldly during our bible time and talk about the hard things that happen here in the culture. We talked about rape and murder on Monday and the kids openly said that it can't be forgiven. That opened doors to really just talk with them and share our passions. We shared our stories and examples where God has forgiven us when we didn't deserve it and we shared about examples where we had to forgive when they didn't deserve it. The kids were sitting there listening more than I think they have ever before. We were able to share parts of our lives with them which was really important and God totally used it. On Tuesday, many of our kids were in a fight on the street against other students from another school. It was disappointing and discouraging but it truly was another opportunity to speak on the issue of forgiveness. We talked about the fight and why and asked them what they thought about forgiveness. They all agreed that it was important and that in the situation they weren't being forgiving. I was praying for guidance because I had no idea where to go from there but Nomsa began speaking and the spirit was leading that conversation. We told them that we are at Ithemba because we love them and we want to share the hope that we have with them. We told them that we want to play and have fun with them, that we want to teach them, but our purpose is to speak truth and tell them about God. We then went on to explain accountability. I gave the example of giving them 10 rand and be held accountable means I need a cash slip for how they spent the 10 rand. They understood so I went on to explain that is what God does. We hear truth and we hear the Word and we are then held accountable. He gives us opportunity to live it out and holds us accountable to our reaction. We told them how much we love talking about the Bible and answering their questions but unless they began living it out, we don't need to keep talking about it. It's important to talk about it but unless there are actions that follow, the talking has no value. I think it struck the kids pretty hard. It was an intense two days but you can see that they were all listening and thinking about it and I'm excited to see how God uses those times and conversations.
Next week has potential to be another intense week with the kids. We are going to do the Beat the Drum program with our class starting on Monday. We have only talked about AIDS briefly with them and they had some good questions. We will start with the movie on Monday and then talk about values on Tuesday and split up the boys and girls on Wednesday and talk more deeply on issues and then Thursday talk about questions and commitments. It's going to be a great week and I think God is going to do big things with this program. I just ask that you'll be daily praying about the words spoken to them and the images they will see. Pray that their eyes will be opened to the seriousness of these issues and that most importantly their heart will be affected. Thank you so much for your continual support, God is using you!
Your love oh Lord
Is beyond reason
My mind cannot even begin to understand
But despite my shortcomings
You love me through it all
Yet your love forgives and restores
No matter the sin
I am undeserving at best
Yet you still desire relationship
And to give my spirit rest
Your love unlocks prison gates
And sets the captives free
It washes over the blind
And causes them to see
It comforts those who mourn
And provides for those without
It heals the broken
And overcomes our doubt
It compels us to action
And draws us near to you
Your love is so overwhelming
No words could ever describe
All I really know is
I am cared for by my father above
I can do nothing to repay you
I have little to nothing to give
Yet all I have is yours
I chose to love you with the life I live
An Opportunity
Later in the week I was able to talk to a few of the girls from Zimbabwe that are in my class. To give a bit of background the situation in Zim is not good. There have been many people coming from there to stay in South Africa until the political situation settles down. There have been difficulties with communication, medicine, schools and basic necessities for awhile now. Needless to say, those who were able to leave have left. These two girls are actually two of 5 girls staying with their aunt here in Jeffreys until things settle down, which nobody really knows when it will be safe again. They were sharing their hearts and what has been weighing them down, which was a really good opportunity to just encourage them. Neither one of them are able to go to school because their school fees would be $42 US dollars a month per person and there are 5 of them. They both shared with me though that it would really help their family and them if their younger sister was able to go to school. She struggles the most out of their family with her English and it's very important that she learns it. It's something I have begun praying about and would like to ask that you would join me in that. These are two very big needs that have come up just among my class at Ithemba and I'm seeking out the Lord's provision. I would like to get enough funds for at the least the youngest to go to school for 6 months (the rest of the school year here) and be able to bring the other girl back from Joburg. If you would like to be a part of meeting this need, let me know by leaving a comment or writing me an e-mail at and I can give you more details.
A Challenge
When did it become normal to spend $10-$20 for one meal for one person at a "nice" restaurant, when that could feed a family of 5+ for ½ a week in other countries?
When did it become normal to pass by the homeless person standing at the same street for a third week in a row without even looking?
When did it become normal to give in to the thought that "everyone is after your money" or some other physical need?
When did it become normal to be numb to the needs around us?
When did it become normal to wake up on Sunday morning and the occasional Wednesday night and sit through a Church service and walk away completely unchanged and unaffected?
When did it become normal for God to be just another person we must answer to?
When did we lose sight of relationship?
When did we make the battle against flesh and bone instead of the spiritual realm?
Maybe the best question to ask though is when is enough really going to be enough? When do we finally get fed up with living outside of God's plan? When do really begin to see injustice for what it is and do something about it? When will we truly learn to love God, our neighbors, and our enemies? When will we really begin feeling again?
I've made all of these questions with "we" in them for a reason. I am included in this problem and God is giving me a clearer perspective on it the longer I am away from America and immersed in the injustice that is "normal" life. I don't know when living on the streets, poverty, rape, and HIV/AIDS became "normal" but for many here it is. Our world has become overly corrupt by our sin and if we don't open our eyes to see it for what it is and chose to do something about it, I don't even know what to expect but I do know that I don't want to be around to see the effects. We have a responsibility as followers of Christ to truly follow Christ. That means going behind Him on the same path. I think it's fair to say we have found our way to a different path and we desire to seek Him and follow Him but Christ has called us to a higher road, a higher standard. It looks differently for all of us but God has just been convicting me of many things such as the money I spend on food considering the circumstances of most here. We really just need to seek out what God is calling us to in our daily lives. We need to find our way out of this numb state and begin feeling for others and feeling ourselves the love God has for us and the change it brings.
Ups and Downs
I tell you all this to ask for you guys to be on your knees for my team. I think it's safe to say that most of us have experienced a t least one challenging week lately. Satan is trying to stop us from what we're doing and I strongly believe it's because God wants to do something big here. I am asking for you to be in consistent prayer for what God is doing and for the attacks Satan is planning. Pray for protection, we aren't called to a safe life as Christians and we know that but we are asking for His protection in the dangerous situations. Your prayers are needed and appreciated. I love you all and can't wait to share with you face to face the things God is doing. He has already changed my really hard and bad week and given me hope for the situations here. This week was much better and God has really been working in the hearts of the kids in my class at Ithemba. They are asking questions and starting to hunger for the Word which has been my prayer for awhile know and I would love for you to join me in that. God is at work here and has victory even in the situations like the mugging... I love you guys! Thank you for everything you are doing. You mean more to me and this ministry than you know.
Oh, and pray that the men that mugged us would somehow come to know Christ through this situation. In my friend Ellen's bag was her ipod with all christian music on it and her bible. God has done crazier things before, so pray that they will read the Bible and listen to the music and be drawn to Him.
Living Life To The Full
Originally posted on 2/13/09
Besides the usual ministry, God is really teaching me about Him. I'm realizing I don't really know what it looks like to rely fully on Him and as I've been praying about it He has been giving me opportunities to practice it. Don't you hate that? Not only has He begun to teach me about that but He gave me a huge wake-up call. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. The rest of today isn't even guaranteed. Honestly, we don't deserve it. It's a blessing from God and an opportunity to bring Him glory. It's not for any other reason than His glory. Am I making the most of every opportunity? Are you? I think it's a question we all need to be asking ourselves daily, sometimes even moment by moment. We're not here for our glory, needs, desires, any of that. We simply exist to bring glory to God. How are we doing that? If something happened today would you look back, even just on the day, and see God's glory and His kingdom here on this earth or would you look back and see another "normal" day gone by.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." – John 10:10
I don't know if you realize it but it's something God has made clear to me, this is happening ALL around us. The thief is stealing, killing, and destroying. And instead of having life to the full, we have allowed Satan to continue doing these things as we consider it "normal" life. Satan has stolen joy, killed our passion, and is destroying lives, families, communities, and nations! When do we really begin to take this verse to heart and run with it? When do we begin living out Isaiah 61?
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners... to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."
Verses 1-3
God calls us to live life to the full and gives us an applicable way to do that, it's Isaiah 61:1-3. He has warned us of the things that Satan will try to do but promises life in Him. That "full" life is going to look differently for everyone but I fully believe that those few verses should be a huge part of it. However, living life to the full doesn't exempt us from harm, by any means. It's actually quite the opposite: "If you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps" 1 Peter 2:20-21. We are going to suffer; it doesn't say if you suffer. It says if you suffer and endure. The suffering will come, the test is the endurance. I'm beginning to believe that if we can't trace any sort of suffering (physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, etc.) to our lives than there is a problem. Suffering is an attack from Satan because He knows the power that lies within us that at the mere mention of Christ's name demons shudder. Satan attacks us when he knows we are progressing the Kingdom.
I'm continuing to seek out what this "full" life looks like and God is slowly revealing to me different aspects of it. I'm being shown repeatedly that full doesn't equal easy. But I've found hope in Deuteronomy 31:6 which says, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God does with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." There will always be "them" in our lives. There will always be something that we can choose to live in fear about but God promises that He is with us and will not leave our side. He gives us a reason to live outside of that fear, and that reason is Him. I hope that this week you will cling to these verses the way God is teaching me to. Find hope in His promises, which is where the "rejoicing in suffering" Paul talks about in Romans comes to exist. It's not necessarily in rejoicing that you are suffering but rejoicing that in Christ there is hope and victory through the suffering.
"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
-1 Corinithians 15:57
Prayer Requests
Our leaders: Aaryn and Amber- they are doing an amazing job leading our team of 10 but I know it's a challenge, probably even more so than we see. Pray for rest and strength, encouragement and wisdom.
Thank you so much for your continual prayers. God is moving here in Jeffreys and your prayers are part of that. Thank you for partnering with me in this ministry!
Time is Flying
Originally posted on 1/30/09
I can't believe how quickly time here is going. Monday makes 1 month since arriving back in Africa. I'm glad everything is going so smoothly that time seems to fly but at the same time it's really hard to think that there is less than 4 months left. God has done so much in this 1 month that I can't wait to see what He does with the next 3-4.
Ithemba has been really good. We started teaching again in the classes this week. We used the first week to just see where the kids were at and I have lesson plans for the next 3 weeks after. I'm really excited because I have grades 5-9 and we have a lot of new students this semester. Our class almost doubled in size so we had to split the kids by grade/skill. I still have to give some of the students harder work than others because they've all been taught at many different levels.
We are beginning to go deeper with the bible lessons that we are teaching with them, which has been sweet. We started talking about creation and the fall. The kids asked a lot of good questions and I think they're really beginning to think about what we say and the scripture we are reading. It's sweet to see them questioning instead of just accepting and believing without thought. We were able to talk about sin and how we are all lied to by the devil and that influences the things that we do and say. We talked a lot about the sin that is evident in the community and their schools and asked what they thought about everything. I think God is going to really open up a lot more doors with the students. Continue to pray for the times we have with them and that God will just use that to open up doors and give the students questions that they can receive a deeper knowledge and love for God.
On house visits, we met Julia and a couple of her neighbors. This week we hung out at her house for almost 3 hours just playing cards and getting to know each other. I left even more excited about being here in Jeffreys and doing ministry. It may sound silly, that from just spending hours playing cards with a woman and her neighbors that God increased my excitement about what He is doing but it's so true. I'm realizing that I have had a hard time seeing God move before and just seeing the ways He shows up in our lives. I think this is something that we all struggle with. But God is evident and God is moving. He is evident in the crashing of the waves and the beauty of the ocean we see as we eat lunch between ministries. He is evident in the hug and smile of the children at Ithemba. He is evident in the laughter over playing cards and hanging out with one another. He is evident in the people that stop us for prayer as we walk down the street. He is evident in the lives of my teammates as they speak truth and encourage me and this community. He is all around, we just need to open our eyes long enough to see Him move. So over playing cards, we talked and just got to know each other better. At the end we all prayed together. I feel like God really used that time to encourage all of us. God allowed us to have a day of just getting to know one another to begin building relationships that I feel He is going to use in big ways. It's just cool that He starts big things from such little efforts and opportunities such as playing cards.
I feel like this is a random blog but sometimes that's how things in my head work. Thank you for your continual support and prayers, they are making an impact here among our team and all around Jeffreys. As you continue to pray for Jeffreys and the children here, I ask that you'll begin praying for what God has in store next for me. He is stirring up a lot of ideas and passions in my heart that I'm praying about but I would love a lot of people praying with me. Thank you guys. You all are amazing!
Fighting Complacency
I was sitting on the stage and talking with Lusanda when a woman comes in with many kids and walks harshly to the front where we were. I just knew something was wrong , I felt the atmosphere change almost immediately. The woman began speaking in Xhosa to some of the children and they all were going back in forth with what sounded like an argument building. I had no idea what was going on until Lusanda asked BrI, my teammate, if she had seen Thando's hat. It was a lot of noise and arguing over a hat. After a few minutes the yelling back and forth died down and the woman turned to her son, Thando, whose hat was the one missing, and just slapped him across the face. I understand that for some parents this would be a way to punish their child but she slapped him with intensity and for no reason at all. Thando immediately started crying and grabbed his face as he followed his mom out. The other kids just began playing like nothing had happened at all. This is "normal" for the children to see, that does not settle with me at all. The women at Ithemba were even taken back by what happened, sure they know it happens but the mother was so open about hitting her child in front of everyone. They began talking about it among themselves and said they were going to talk to her and tell her that if she is going to abuse her child that she is not welcome to do it here and she doesn't need to come back. Something does need to be said to the mother but if that is what is said Thando, an innocent child, will not be coming back.
The whole situation just broke my heart. If the mother was willing to slap her child that hard in front of many people, what happens when she gets mad and no one else is around to witness what happens? I know I can't worry about the what if's but at the same time I already know the answer. It's the sad reality for so many of the kids at Ithemba and throughout the township. The parents beat them and take out all of their anger and problems on the child. Thando is just one of many children trapped in a situation with no way out. He gets love at Ithemba from the ladies and my team but goes home to the same situation. It's just not right. It's not right at all. This is just one child's story, I know of so many more. But it is so much more than their story, it is their life, it is their hurt and pain, it is their horrible reality and it sucks more than words could ever explain. I'm beginning to see that this is what God sees and feels. I cried for Thando and the other children but how much more weeping takes place in heaven as God looks down on His beloved child faced to endure this injustice? My heart breaks for Thando and the many other children at Ithemba in similar situations but God's heart is constantly broken for all in similar situations. I was able to catch a small glimpse of that and it hurts, a lot. Did I sincerely mean that I wanted His heart and eyes? Of course I did, but I didn't realize how much it would hurt.
First Week
The rest of my time this week has been spent at Ithemba, cleaning and planning for this year. We are changing how we are teaching the kids and also how we are doing the bible stories with them. I'm still going to be with the older kids, but we are splitting the class in half so that we aren't teaching the kids who are at different levels things that are beyond what they've been taught in school. We're also making it a point to schedule in time to help them with the homework that they are given so that they are keeping up with their school work.
We're still planning out some of the curriculum and activities but I already just have great hopes and expectations for things this semester. God wants to do something big here, and I fully believe He's going to. It's been really encouraging to see Mama, Lusanda, and Nomsa regaining their joy and love for Ithemba. It was easy to see within the first few days of being back there. We don't know exactly what happened that sparked it but our team is just excited about the things God is doing. He's obviously already at work there and I know that it's only the beginning. Keep praying for that renewed energy and passion for Ithemba and what it stands for in the lives of all that work there. That is going to make a huge difference in the lives of the kids. They can see the heart behind what people say and do more than we think or even notice. I'm praying that they see this change and are encouraged by it also and just feel God's love in that. Another thing to pray for would be my team. We have already been hit with sickness, and we got hit pretty hard. It's already hit 6-7 of our 13. Most of us have recovered rather quickly but it's draining and discouraging so just keep our health in your prayers. Thank you for continually interceding for my team and the people of Jeffreys.
Getting Fired Up
The Solution
To stare not fight while broken nations dream
Open up our eyes, so blind
That we might find the mercy for the need
Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession
It is not too far a cry
Too much to try to help the least of these
Politics will not decide if we should rise
And be your hands and feet
Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession
God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet
Yeah Yeah
Higher than our circumstance
You promised and you loved for all to see
Higher than our protest lines and dollar signs
Your love is all we need
Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession
God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet
God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet
Whoa Yeah
Only you can mend the broken heart
And cause the blind to see
You erase complete, the sinner's past
And set the captives free
Only you can take the widow's cry
And cause the heart to see
Be the Father to the fatherless
Our Saviour and our King
We will be your hands
We will be your feet
We run this race for the least of these
In the darkest place we will be your light,
We will be your light
We will be your hands
We will be your feet
We run this race for the least of these
In the darkest place we will be your light,
We will you light
God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet
God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet
We will run
We will run
We will run with the solution...
Pray that God will continue to be the solution personally in my life while here in Africa and for when I come home. But also pray that we will see God as the solution and run with that into all of the areas of South Africa that we are working in. I could really use some strength emotionally, physically, and spiritually. All of your prayers are lifting me up and I just ask that you'll continue to do that. Thank you all.
Kids playing during free time at Ithemba
Loving on the kids at Ithemba
My class from Beat the Drum in Somerset
One of the sweetest boys at Ithemba
I know this isn't many pictures but I want you guys to have a glimpse of the beautiful faces we get to minister to. Thank you for all of your prayers! We just found out where we will be after Christmas and I will be staying here in Jeffreys. I will update more later...