Saturday, September 11, 2010

Amazing Week

Originally posted on 3/20/09

God has been teaching me a lot this week about His love and my response to it. We are reading a book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan and I recommend it to everyone. It's eye-openeing and challenging. I will go into detail about the book and what I have taken away from it on my next post but I feel like this teaching time is what has compelled me and my team to make the most of every oppurtunity, making this a memorable week.

We are starting to really study the Bible with the group of ladies we visit on Tuesday and Thursday morning and you can see the hunger they have. It is amazing to see and even more encouraging that God is giving us oppurtunities to really speak truth into their lives and challenging us with those same truths. Continue to pray that the hunger will grow inside of them and that they will be moved to action by the things they read.

God has also been moving at Ithemba. Kids are opening up and being real with us. I really feel like Jeffreys is hungry for truth. They are craving it, they are just looking in the wrong places. You can even see it in the kids lives and how they have started to really listen when we read the Bible and discuss it. They are asking hard quesitons about what to do in situations and how to live what we talk about out. Something is being stirred up, that is for sure.

I know this is a quick update but I just want you all to know that God is at work here. In my life, in the life of my teammates and in this community! From answering prayers, to guiding and directing us, to giving peace, and breaking hearts, God is working. He made the pouring, and I mean POURING, rain stop so that we could do house visits. He has guided us to other people to visit. He has taught us all about His love and His holiness. He is just pretty amazing... what more can I say?

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