Saturday, September 11, 2010

God Of This City

Originally posted on 6/23/08

I don't know where to begin. I just got back from a mission trip with our college group in Mazatlan, Mexico and God did so many amazing things. For starters, I'm really not much of a Spanish speaker but God showed me that He is a God of every city, nation, and tongue. God is and always will be bigger than any obstacle put in our way, including language barriers.

During the trip, we spent the mornings handing out gospels with invitations and during the nights we held VBS and movie nights. In 4 days, with less than 50 people, we handed out over 8,000 gospels and had close to 800 attend the movie nights. That blows my mind every time I think about it. 8,000 people have the word of God in their home. We will never know the impact that handing out gospels had but I know that when we trust in God, He does amazing things.

We prayer-walked every street before doing anything. Every house was prayed over before they recieved God's word. Even though the trip was about planting seeds, God gave me the oppurtunity to see just how important one conversation can be and just how powerful prayer is. I was walking down the street with another student just praying over the homes and the converations that were going to be had. We prayed for oppurtunities to have conversations that would change lives. We prayed for open hearts and minds as we handed out the gospels and we prayed that God would bless our human efforts. God did just that. I walked up to a rotiseree chicken store where a young man was and handed him the gift. He took it and began to ask questions about what we were doing and where we were from. He spoke really good English which was helpful because my Spanish is poor. We talekd to him for over 10 minutes and God just led the conversation to many important issues. He asked challenging questions but God provided us with the words to say and at the end of the conversation Victor accepted Christ. Every prayer that we prayed over that street was answered in one conversation. Victor was so excited and we were blessed by him. I gave him my Spanish-English Bible because he wants to learn more English and I know he will be more likely to read it than the one that has been sitting at his house untouched. God just showed me that when I follow His leading, amazing things will happen. I was able to see a life changed and God changed my life during this trip.

We should pray before doing anything. We should have hearts that are open to what God has in store. We should allow God to use us in daily conversations with everyone we meet. We should be on mission anywhere and everywhere that we go. We didn't take God to Mexcio, He was already there working in their hearts and still is. I'm not going to take God to Africa, He is already there and will be there long after I leave. God is the God of every city and every people and I'm just called to love them and to go. That is what I want to do.

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