Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ablaze in Beauty

Originally posted on: 5/22/08

It has been a busy past few weeks and I often find myself getting caught up in the busyness and not allowing myself to really soak in God's beauty that surrounds me. I went on the budget retreat with my Church at the beginning of the week and it allowed me to see that I need to slow down. I spent two days just relaxing and soaking in my surroundings and God has used that time to rejuvinate me.

I've never been to a lake before this week and I've never really been fishing so it was an experience to remember. Let's just say fishing isn't what I'm best at but it wasn't about that. Sometimes I think we just need to be taken away from our daily schedules to see everything that we are missing. I got to enjoy laughter and friendships just hanging out in a full moon attempting to fish. What is so cool is that God made us in His image and if He made the moon and lake and the sky that beautiful how much more beauitful are we to Him? And how much more beautiful is He? I was able to gain a new perspective of God's beauty this week when I was able to just sit back on the boat and soak in the beauitful weather on a lake.

Not only was I able to see God's beauty this week but I have seen another glimpse of His power and His glory. On the way home from the lake, we got stuck in a scary hail storm. The rain started pouring down and the winds started raging. The stop sign we were at was twisting and shaking from the weather and I was scared for my life for a few minutes. Hail was smashing into our van and the noise alone was enough to scare me. We prayed for safety and we went on our way and God protected us, the hail stopped and the winds calmed. At the time of the storm I wasn't thinking how Glorious and powerful God was but to look back on that and see that He can make the storm and He can calm the storm in minutes is just amazing to me. Scary, but so amazing. I don't have the words to describe His beauty and His might, His glory and His power, His love and His mercy all I know s that my God is so great that there won't ever be words that will do justice in describing Him.

This song sums up my thoughts better than I could...
Indescribable, Uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God.
All powerful, Untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees and we humbly proclaim,
You are amazing God.

)Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go,
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow?
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light,
Yet conceals it to give us the coolness of night?
None can fathom...

Incomparable, Unchangeable,
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same.
You are amazing God.

God is truelly ablaze in beauty, we just have to take the time to see His beauty that surrounds us.

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