Saturday, September 11, 2010


Originally posted on 9/8/09

Today marks one year since this crazy journey began. I thought it would be fitting to post about some of the people that have impacted me the most during this time, those that I lived in community with for 5 months...

Aaryn- Aaryn is one of a kind. She is firm yet loving. Aaryn was my disciple second semester so I got the opportunity to get to know her better. She is an amazing woman of God who is not ever content for mediocrity. She is always striving to go deeper with her relationship with Christ and push others to do the same. She was there to speak truth over me and call out the things I needed to change. She loved me for who I was at that moment but saw who God wanted me to be and pushed me towards that constantly.

Amber- Amber is so full of wisdom. I don't even know if she realizes it but the Lord has anointed her to speak His word. Amber is bubbly and energetic. Her joy and laugh are contagious. She oversaw our ministries and checked in on us regularly to see what needed to be improved. She was constantly encouraging us to love more and pray more. God gave her the words to push us forward when we needed it most.

Andrea- Andrea is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She seems quiet at first, but don't be fooled: she has some spunk in her! Andrea was my bunkmate and was always dropping things behind my bed. It's funny how you miss that when you have your own room. We always seemed to be on the same page: especially with sleep schedules. It was great, first to go to bed and last to wake up. Andrea had a knack for hearing from the Lord. I struggle to be quiet before God and really hear from Him but she set a great example. Her heart is shaped for service and love and it's beautiful.

Ellen: Ellen is full of faith. She knows God has big plans for her life and she is running after them. She has shown me the example of unwavering faith I needed to see. Sarah Buller was one of Ellen's best friends from home and despite this loss Ellen continued to praise God and push forward without hesitation. I love that about her. She is a great listener and just a lot of fun to be around. I have a truly amazing friend in her and I couldn't be more grateful that God placed her in my life. I'm excited to see the journey God continues to take her on within Africa.

Alexis: Oh Alexis! Alexis has one of the most amazing laughs, ever. You can't help but smile when you're around her. She has the most outgoing personality and makes everyone feel comfortable, that is until she really gets to know you and puts you in uncomfortable positions just for fun. Alexis was in the same classroom with me at Ithemba so we worked together for Bible Study all second semester. Her heart to teach the kids about God was so encouraging. She loved them with everything that she had. We started praying that God would show up in those times and really give the kids a hunger for Him and He did. It was an amazing experience to share together and I couldn't have picked a better partner.

Faith: Faith was given her name for a reason. She believes in the things most don't see and see's them because of her faith. She and I worked together with the youth at Deo Doxa and it was a great time of fellowship. She was always stepping up to the plate to help in whatever way possible: from leading games to leading small group discussions. Her faith encouraged me to pray prayers expectantly and really give God the chance to show up in ways I wouldn't let Him before.

Ashley: Ashley is one of the most real people I know. She has a huge heart for those that are hurting and you could see it in all of her actions. Ashley was a constant encouragement to me, always reminding me to lay all of my burdens at the foot of the cross. Her and I got to work together and Ithemba first semester and do house visits together second semester. Both of those ministries contain sweet memories of times together. Ashley was always bold and willing to speak about her life and the ways God has changed her. She never held back her past or present heart aches if it would help someone else out. This was a huge encouragement to me to be more open with my story and allow God to use it to bring Him glory. It was sweet to see Him do that through her.

Brittany- B is nothing short of amazing. She was the one to always keep us laughing. As humorous as B always was, she had a heart that was broken for those around her. Brittany took the burden of others pain upon herself; she carried that burden with you. Her heart for the Lord is contagious. She is so joyful in serving and can make anything and everything a fun task. I love the times just laying in her bed laughing (especially after she threw me out unknowingly) or staying up late talking about life. She is going to be an amazing leader. She is an amazing leader.

Samantha- Sama is my hero, especially with her amazing ninja skills. Really though, Sama has an amazing amount of patience and love for children that I desire to have more of. She would have 20+ kids in her class that would be crazy loud that required a lot of attention and energy yet at the end of class she would clean the entire classroom. She too has an amazing servant heart. She sees those that most overlook and pours her time and energy into loving them and showing them that they are special to Christ and special to her. She loves with all that she has and it leaves people changed. Sama is my sister. She always told me how much I reminded her of her sister so I became her sister during the trip.

Brianna: Sweet Bri. Bri was one of my best friends from first semester so I was ecstatic about living with her second semester. Bri always encouraged me whether it was through notes, words, or just time together. She is truly one of the people who impacted my life the most during this year. She was a great friend that was always willing to listen, or run away and get an avalanche with me, especially when I needed it most. She, like I, was learning a lot about letting others and God love you but she never had a problem loving others. She loved people like her life depended on it, doing anything and everything to bring joy and encouragement. Christ shined brightly through her as she daily served us in many different ways. Bri is a great friend and I am blessed to have her in my life.

Sydney- Syd encompasses the essence of love. She's got it figured out. She is sweet-spirited but has a fire deep inside her bones. Her heart screams out against the injustice and her actions follow close behind. She is genuine in both word and deed. Sydney is an amazing listener and always asks the questions that point you back to Christ. Her thinking would be considered unconventional by most but I think that's because she takes God at His word. She doesn't water down the truth. She calls it what it is and lives accordingly. I admire that about her. God uses her to speak His love and truth over everyone that she meets. She too is a great leader and has so much to offer those willing to sit and listen.

Our community had its faults but God was among us. He filled each room of that house and spurred us on towards love. We are all made for community, made to hold each other up and have accountability, made to love beyond boundaries, and made to work together to fulfill His purpose. Those five months have shown me more about community than I ever knew. Each one of these girls holds a special place in my heart. I'm eternally grateful that I got to spend so much time with them, seeing their heart and seeing God move in and through them. My life hasn't been the same since our community seperated to various areas of the world. But I'm excited about the road God has ahead of each and every one of them. They are all going to change this world, mark my words.

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