Saturday, September 11, 2010

Beat The Drum

Originally posted on 10/18/08

I don't know how to explain everything that went on this week but I'm going to try. We went to Somerset East to do an AIDS awareness program called Beat the Drum. It was overwhelming, intense, emotional, challenging, stretching but overall good. I taught a class with one other volunteer at the Johnson highschool. We were in grade 11 with 31 "learners". We started off on Friday with training and continued that through Sunday. This was really good for our team becasue it gave us oppurtunities to really just talk about our struggles and pasts. The intensity of those first few days carried on through the rest of the week.

Monday we showed the film and then began facilitating discussions. At frist the class was quiet but the more time we spent with them the more they opened up. We had boxes for the students to write letters to a character in the film named Francis. They wrote in those at the end of the first lesson and their letters broke my heart. They anonymously disclosed information about sex, AIDS, alcohol, drugs, abuse, family issues and rape. Each one of those 31 learners had a story to tell that had so much brokenness in it. It was a struggle to try and read these and find adequate words to say to offer them advice and healing. In this, God really just spoke truth in my own life as He gave me words to speak over them. I wrote this letter from God to read over them as the answer to all the questions because really there is no other answer. As I wrote it I realized how much God is reading that over me daily and how much I need to hear it...

Dear Beloved,
You are fearfully and wonderfull made, perfect in my sight. I made you for a purpose, with a plan to prosper you and give you hope and a future. I know that isn't always easy to see but that's why you need to trust me. If I know the numbers of hair on your head surely I know your needs and desires. Allow me to work on your heart. It may be scary but I'm holding your hand as you walk through it. I'm going to be by your side the entire time so don't fear. In order to heal your wounds I need you to trust me with your heart. I don't wan tto harm you, no I want to do the exact opposite! I want to change what the world meant for bad back into good. The devil wants you to believe that I've placed you in these situations for a reason but it's a lie. I only allow my children to make their own decisions. I've given them my word as a guide but many have turnedfrom that. Their disobedience is causing many to hurt. I'm sorry that they have you, I truelly am. My heart breaks at the pain you're going through. I know it's hard and I know it hurts but I will give you peace. Just give it over to me, I want to carry your burdens. I experienced the pain of the cross so that I could save you from this pain. I understand what it is that you feel. I know exactly what you're going through. Stay strong and push through because there is hope. My love and grace is enough. You just need to lay your hurt, anger, and frustrations at the foot of the cross. My arms are outstretched wide to embrace you. Let me put your heart back together, let me redeem this situation, allow me to heal you. It's not going to be easy, I know, but trust me through the process. I will show you what true love looks like, I will fill you with peace, and you will reclaim hope. I'm going to use this for good. You can help others, you can stand for what is right. I'm teaching you and loving you so that you can go and do the same. You have my power in you and with that you can change the world! Be a light in this dark place. Don't let the devil win this battle in your life. I've equipped you, now you must fight through this. You may lose a battle or two along the way, anger may sometimes get the best of you, the pain may sometimes seem overwhelming, but take heart for I have already been victorious. In the end, the devil will be exactly where he belongs and you will see and taste my glory with me in heaven. You are loved in a way you can't understand. Live like my prince and princesses. Live in freedom, walk in the light! I have all of you pain, hurt, and dreams for something better in the palm of my hands. Just know I have soemthing better planned for you Beloved. I love you more than you can imagine so just hang in there. The day of healing and redemption will come soon enough.

So ya, I don't know how to describe what came from this week but so many came to Christ. Over 100 people recieved Jesus as their Lord and Savior and many made decisions to abstain and choose a new life. Just keep praying for students as they begin to live in these decisions. I will update more about what happened soon.

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