Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Solution

Originally posted on 11/21/08

It is not a human right
To stare not fight while broken nations dream
Open up our eyes, so blind
That we might find the mercy for the need

Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession

It is not too far a cry
Too much to try to help the least of these
Politics will not decide if we should rise
And be your hands and feet

Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession

God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet
Yeah Yeah

Higher than our circumstance
You promised and you loved for all to see
Higher than our protest lines and dollar signs
Your love is all we need

Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession

God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet

God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet
Whoa Yeah

Only you can mend the broken heart
And cause the blind to see
You erase complete, the sinner's past
And set the captives free

Only you can take the widow's cry
And cause the heart to see
Be the Father to the fatherless
Our Saviour and our King

We will be your hands
We will be your feet
We run this race for the least of these
In the darkest place we will be your light,
We will be your light

We will be your hands
We will be your feet
We run this race for the least of these
In the darkest place we will be your light,
We will you light

God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet

God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet

We will run
We will run
We will run with the solution...

We have the solution! I too often forget that. God used Hillsong to remind me of the truths of His word. Really even just the fact that God is truth and God is love and that is the solution. We search for answers for life's unanswerable questions when really we don't need those answers because we have the solution. We just need to move into action and be the hands and feet of God. We are called to fight the good fight, to run this race, and we need to pursue hard after that but we don't need to do it alone. We need to run it for those who are too weak to run. We need to help those who have fallen along the way. We need to bring those that have been lost with us.

God is the solution, I don't know exactly what that looks like but He is. We just have to run with the solution. Run with God, run for God, run to God! We just need to run, God will take care of the rest. He is the solution, we aren't. He just blesses us with the oppurtunity to bring others the solution. Praise God for that. Praise God that despite our faults and inadequacies that He still wants us to be His hands and feet and wants us to help Him. Praise God that He is the solution and we don't have to worry about solving our problems or anyone elses because He is the solution, the Healer, the Redeemer, the Lover of our souls. Praise God for the miracles He's done and the miracles He is going to do. He is making blind see, lame walk, healing hearts and minds, doing just as many miracles as when He was walking on earth. These may be physical healings but I know that God is a God of all healing. He's teaching me that more and more and there are days when I'm here and I don't believe it because I feel like I don't see it but how can I not?

It was just an amazing reminder tonight that God is the solution to every problem, even though the solution looks different for all situations it's still God just showing His greatness and power and might. I hope you all enjoy the lyrics to that song as much as I did, check it out when you get the chance because it's amazing and packed full of truth. Sorry if this blog is random thoughts thrown into one long paragraph.

Pray that God will continue to be the solution personally in my life while here in Africa and for when I come home. But also pray that we will see God as the solution and run with that into all of the areas of South Africa that we are working in. I could really use some strength emotionally, physically, and spiritually. All of your prayers are lifting me up and I just ask that you'll continue to do that. Thank you all.

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