Saturday, September 11, 2010

Getting Fired Up

Originally posted on 1/10/09

I have arrived safely in JBay for round 2 of ministry! I couldn't be more excited about what God has in store for us this semester. So far, since being here we've been doing some intentional ministry of visiting people and letting everyone know we are back and getting geared up to begin our ministries. We've also just been adjusting to the changes since last semester. Our group has downsized from 41 students and 14 leaders to 11 students and 2 leaders. So it's definitely been different but I know that God has big plans for our team here. We are in all girls team so your prayers of protection are much needed and appreciated.
To give you an idea of what my semester will look like this semester, I will give you a quick run down of my schedule. Mondays and Wednesday morning are discipleships from 9:30-11:30 then lunch then Ithemba from 1-5. Tuesdays from 9-2 I will be working at Virginia's which is a creche in a town over called Humansdorp. The creche has anywhere from 3-17 kids in a small shack with a small yard that we can play with them in. We will be loving on the kids, helping out Virginia with daily things such as chores, and just encouraging her. I will then go straight to Ithemba and be there until 5. Thursdays I will be doing house visits from 9-12 which will just be a time of building relationships and seeking out the people God calls us to. Afterwards I will go to Ithemba until 5. Fridays are our off days but we're looking into helping out with the youth groups here in Jeffreys so if that works out I will be helping out at Deo Doxa's youth group from 6-9ish on Friday nights. Saturday mornings are a time of family ministry so our entire group will do ministry together which will look different every week. Some weeks we will visit people in the townships and meet needs that they have such as painting their house or cleaning up their yard or cleaning up a park. This will be a great time for our team to grow closer together and really just minister to the town of Jeffreys as one body of Christ. Saturday afternoons are intentional ministry of visiting children or people that we work with or just going out and building new relationships. Each ministry that I'm going to be involved in has something new and exciting to offer and I'm just ready to jump into it. Even Ithemba is changing and is going to look much different than last semester.

I just ask that you'll pray for our team. Pray for protection, guidance, and just a fire within our souls- a holy rage inside all of us. We are all excited to see what God has in store for our team but even more excited to see what God has in store for this town of Jeffreys. We all know in our hearts He has something big planned and can't wait to see what that looks like... Thank you for your continual support and prayers, they mean more than you can know. They are truelly impacting the lives of me and my teammates and many lives within the township.

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