Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Challenge

Originally posted on 2/28/09

God has been challenging me all week to really see with His eyes. He has broken my heart and pointed out a flawed perspective yet again. However, the more this happens the more I realize it's the American perspective I've grown accustomed and numb to... Let me specify:

When did it become normal to spend $10-$20 for one meal for one person at a "nice" restaurant, when that could feed a family of 5+ for ½ a week in other countries?

When did it become normal to pass by the homeless person standing at the same street for a third week in a row without even looking?

When did it become normal to give in to the thought that "everyone is after your money" or some other physical need?

When did it become normal to be numb to the needs around us?

When did it become normal to wake up on Sunday morning and the occasional Wednesday night and sit through a Church service and walk away completely unchanged and unaffected?

When did it become normal for God to be just another person we must answer to?

When did we lose sight of relationship?

When did we make the battle against flesh and bone instead of the spiritual realm?

Maybe the best question to ask though is when is enough really going to be enough? When do we finally get fed up with living outside of God's plan? When do really begin to see injustice for what it is and do something about it? When will we truly learn to love God, our neighbors, and our enemies? When will we really begin feeling again?

I've made all of these questions with "we" in them for a reason. I am included in this problem and God is giving me a clearer perspective on it the longer I am away from America and immersed in the injustice that is "normal" life. I don't know when living on the streets, poverty, rape, and HIV/AIDS became "normal" but for many here it is. Our world has become overly corrupt by our sin and if we don't open our eyes to see it for what it is and chose to do something about it, I don't even know what to expect but I do know that I don't want to be around to see the effects. We have a responsibility as followers of Christ to truly follow Christ. That means going behind Him on the same path. I think it's fair to say we have found our way to a different path and we desire to seek Him and follow Him but Christ has called us to a higher road, a higher standard. It looks differently for all of us but God has just been convicting me of many things such as the money I spend on food considering the circumstances of most here. We really just need to seek out what God is calling us to in our daily lives. We need to find our way out of this numb state and begin feeling for others and feeling ourselves the love God has for us and the change it brings.

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