Saturday, September 11, 2010

Surrendering Everything To Gain What Cannot Be Lost

Originally posted on: 5/6/08

It still hasn't sunk in that I will be spending at least 9 months in Africa! I'm so excited about the trip and everything that God is going to do. This is something that God has been preparing my heart for over the past few months and it's so cool to see how He has been working things out all along...

Missions has been a part of my life since middle school and it's something that I've always loved to be a part of. Through the many missions trips with my youth group, God has developed a passion for His people within me. Until recently, I never thought I'd be a missionary but I knew it is something I still wanted to be active in. However, God used the 30 hour famine to completly change everything in my life. Before the weekend my Church participated in the event, I had been at my breaking point. I'd been stressing over picking a major, struggeling friendships, and letting go of past hurt. I expected the weekend to be one in which we helped raise money for the children around the world that were hungry, I didn't realize how much it would impact me. We held a prayer service that God used to break my heart. He showed me that I was trying to do too much of this on my own and I needed to just let go. Through that service, God showed me the true meaning of surrender and how important that is in the life of a Christian. I gave it all to Him; my past, present, and future. Since that weekend, God has spoken life back into me. I am at peace with my past, I have a new joy in the present and He has given me a glimpse of His amazing plans for the future...

Instead of figuring out a major and finishing school, God has directed me to Africa. He has also showed me that missions is going to be my life and I'm excited about everything that He has in store. I don't claim to know what is to come after Africa but I know that I serve an amazing God that is so much bigger than I can even imagine. I'm just looking forward to what He has planned.

As I continue to prepare for this trip, I ask that you will pray for me. Pray that nothing will hold me back from giving God everything that I have and everything that I am. Pray that my heart will be broken for the people that I meet and that I will be able to serve them in humility. Also pray for the group, that we will be unified in Christ and our love for one another will be an example of the love of Christ to everyone we meet in Africa.

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