Saturday, September 11, 2010

Past Week

Originally posted on 10/4/08

Life here in Africa is really hard. I knew it would be challenging and I knew there would be pain surrounding us but it's harder than I imagined. It's hard to hear people's stories and see their hurt. A lot of the team has been praying for their hearts to become like God's and I'm realizing how scary of a prayer that is. He is beginning to develop that in our team and it hurts. We're being broken for His people but at the sam etime it's nothing in comparison to the pain God feels.

It's been hard to wrap my head around what my role is in these situations. God is teaching me that I'm inadequate. That's not a good feeling but I need to be there. I need to know that I'm inadequate and only God can do something to bring them peace. I'm just a tool He is choosing to use, by myself I'm completly inadequate.

God's already doing things through my team. Babies that aren't being fed or cared for have found a safe place to grow. Healing has been seen. God is using us to love on kids. He's directed us to those who need prayer and encouragement. These oppurtunities are hard but God has never called us to an easy life or ministry. I'm just fighting through the hurt in their lives and how it relates to our team. God is going to use that hurt though. I don't know exactly what that looks like but I'm trusting in Him.
Prayer Needs:
Monica- A women I met at ministry that is dealing with a lot of hard situations of abuse from her husband that is constantly drinking. She also drinks, I think as a way to not think of the pain. God def put us in her path for a reason and I'm hoping for more oppurtunities to keep ministering to her

Cethemba- An 8yr old little boy that has lost many family members to AIDS. He doesn't know much about God but I was given the oppurtunity to speak some truth into His life. I'm hoping that I will somehow see him again and teach him more about what the cross is. He needs peace and direction in his life and that is exactly what the cross is.
Beat the Drum- An outreach program we are starting next week that is all about AIDS awareness. We are going to a town called Somerset Cities where we will be living among the locals and pouring into their lives. We are teaching them curriculum based off of the beat the drum movie. The focus is to break the myths that Africans have about how you get AIDS or how you can get rid of it. We will be have the oppurtunity to speak truth into their lives and just teach them about God's plan for their lives. This is an awesome oppurtunity and I'm exicted to see what God is going to do. Just pray for the funds, we need to raise $2,000 in order to provide for the curriculum, food, and travel. God has already provided for the plans of this trip and I know that He will continue to provide but your prayers are much needed.

Personally, I need strength and just peace. It's been really difficult to be here and see all off the pain around me. I know God wants me here but it's so hard to push through everything.

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