Saturday, September 11, 2010

Quick Update

Originally posted on 10/29/08

Ithemba has been really good this week. Our team is beginning to work really well together and we're really starting to work as one unit with the teachers there. In my classroom, we are really focusing on math and english. We have a few children that are ahead but overall the class struggles. They can speak English and understand it when it's spoken but it's hard for them to read it and answer questions. We're working together to get them to the point they need to be at but it's been a bit of a struggle. I'm just excited to see how the next few weeks go.

I know that is only a quick update but I just wanted you all to know that things are going well. Ministry is sometimes tiring but I know that God is using us here. Your prayers are much needed though. I've been feeling sick on and off throughout the past week and I know there are many other teamates constantly fighting sickness. Also, God is working on our hearts and minds. He is bringing up a lot of things in our lives to deal with which is hard when you're away from everyone you are used to helping you. I know there is a purpose for it, even though somtimes I don't see it. Another thing to pray about is just Christmas. A lot of the children at our ministry really need clothes and shoes and we are hoping to be able to provide something for them but we don't know how yet. Thank you so much for everything. I miss you guys and look forward to fellowshipping with you over Christmas!!

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