Saturday, September 11, 2010


Originally posted on 3/6/09

Just thought I'd share a poem with you that I wrote a little while ago...

Your love oh Lord
Is beyond reason
My mind cannot even begin to understand
How you continue to pursue me through every season
I run, trip and fall
But despite my shortcomings
You love me through it all
Nothing I do turns you away
Sin has damaged my beauty
Yet your love forgives and restores
No matter the sin
You throw it further than the distant shores
Even when I chose to follow you
I am undeserving at best
Yet you still desire relationship
And to give my spirit rest

Your love unlocks prison gates
And sets the captives free
It washes over the blind
And causes them to see

It comforts those who mourn
And provides for those without
It heals the broken
And overcomes our doubt

It compels us to action
And draws us near to you
Your love is so overwhelming
That it causes us to love too

No words could ever describe
The depth and sincerity of your love
All I really know is
I am cared for by my father above

I can do nothing to repay you
I have little to nothing to give
Yet all I have is yours
I chose to love you with the life I live

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