Saturday, September 11, 2010

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Originally posted on 6/5/08

I believe that God does not waste our hurts. There have been many situations in my past that have caused me great pain but I know that there is a plan bigger than my capacity to understand. God has showed me first hand that my hurts can be a testimony to others and an encouragement to those in need. There will be pain in everyone's lives because sin is prevalent in our world. However, that does not mean that we have to live in the pain.

God has brought me through the worst times of my life and I know that I am a better person because of my past circumstances. Even though I wouldn't have chosen the situations for myself, I'm able to say that because I live for an amazing God I was able to conquer the pain. I believe that there is hope for every heartache and healing for every wound. The key is to fall into the arms of the one true Healer and trust in His timing.

I've been taught so much through the many struggles in my life and I strongly believe that each situation I was put in was to teach me a lesson. I've learned to rely on God's love and friendship through losing friends. I've learned that in order to be in God's will I must first surrender my hurts and desires by struggling to do things on my own. The most important thing I learned is that everything really does happen for a reason. God showed me that by using the brokenness of my family and my desperateness for healing as a means of bringing me to my knees and experiencing the beauty of surrender.

I've been shown that in order to truly enjoy the calm, you must first experience the wind and the waves. In order to soak in the beauty of the sun, you must first experience the rain. It's easy to get caught up in the bitterness or sadness when we're put through trials but we wouldn't understand the meaning of grace and peace if we hadn't first experienced sin and pain. . My past has shaped me into a firm believer that there is a light at the end of every tunnel and that light is the radiance coming from a God who is ablaze in beauty.

UPDATE: Preperations are constantly being made for the trip. God is showing me that I don't have anything to worry about because He is in control and He is directing everything for this trip. I need 20% in my missions account by Monday and I have 20% accounted for. This doesn't include the price of the plain ticket though. I'm excited about what God is doing and I look forward to updating you more on how He is providing and also the things He is doing in and through me now.

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